Introducing Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies – BILS


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Inception: Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies-BILS has been working on labour issues since its establishment in 1995. BILS endeavors to uphold the causes of working people and Trade Unions of Bangladesh. 12 major National Trade Union federations are associated with BILS.

Way forward: Keeping in view to build a just and democratic society, enabling the workers organizations to play appropriate role as a major force BILS emphasizes on capacity building of the Trade Unions through trainings, research and information sharing. Protecting workers rights is the main objectives of BILS and it strives to promote just and worker friendly policies and Laws in Bangladesh. It also plays a catalyst role in bridging trade unions, civil society and the government on labour market issues.

Vision: BILS, established by the labour movement, shall contribute to develop Bangladesh to be a prosperous democratic society based on social dialogue, where workers  are free from all kinds of discrimination and exploitation  and  workers are not treated as commodity and the TUs are recognized as a respectable partner of progress and, where equal rights and opportunities are ensured in respect of ensuring decent work and fulfilling their basic needs like  food, shelter, education, medical care, social security, freedom of association, rule of law, peace and progressive socio-cultural environment.

Mission: BILS’s Mission is to support the Trade Union movement in Bangladesh to act as the social partner and as vanguard for decent work, democratic development by overcoming the challenges and embracing the prosperity. BILS provides support to TUs efforts in social dialogue and negotiation for the rights of workers through research, analysis, position paper, training, advocacy/campaign and networking. BILS supports TU capacity building and organizing drives

BILS Structure: BILS was established with the support and active participation of major national Trade Union Federations from different political identity aimed at ensuring capacity enhancement of Trade Union, support Government in policy intervention, research based arguments, united platform on labour issues and networks between Trade Union and civil society.

BILS Goals:

  • Capacity Enhancement of Trade Union
  • Research Based Arguments
  • Network Between Trade Union and Civil Society
  • United Platform on Labour Issues
  • Strenghthening Regional & International Solidarity
  • Functioning TU Movement In Tripartite Mechanism
  • Policy intervention to Government from TU point of view

Expertise Areas

  • Labour rights/workers’ rights
  • Women workers’ rights
  • Migrant workers’ rights
  • Labour policies and law
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Labour welfare
  • Labour union, trade union and their movement
  • Industrial Relation

Activities & Service

  • Capacity Building and support Trade Union (TU) : Training for TU  activists, Campaign support, Organizing the unorganized, Leadership development, Awareness raising programmes
  • Advocacy, Lobbying, Social Dialogue and Networking : Policy intervention, Argument forming in favor of TU, Sensitizing Civil Society on TU issues, Supporting grassroots on campaign, Networking
  • Training and Education: Trainers Training, Issue based trainings, Follow-up Seminars, Discussion, Study Circles, Workers Orientation, and Volunteers Training.  
  • Organising Forum and Networking: Domestic Workers Rights Network (DWRN),SramikNirapottaForum (SNF), Ship Breaking Workers’ Trade Union Forum (Chittagong), Rice Processing Workers Supporting Committee (Dinajpur and Mymensingh), Shrimp Processing Workers Protection Coordination Committee (Khulna), Construction Workers Unity Council.
  • Publishing press clipping, quarterly Bengali and English Bulletin, half yearly journal “Labour” in Bengali and English, conducting & disseminating yearly survey on occupational accidents, Providing information to journalists on TU issues, Publishing features & news on different national dailies, Poster, leaflet, calendar, notebook etc
  • Research and Studies: Conduct action research, Conduct survey, Conduct policy/law review, Conduct baseline study, evaluation and assessment, Authoring and editing of research/review report, Process Documentation, Developing popular campaign literature.
  • Elimination of Worst form of Child Labour: Apprenticeship programme, Awareness Raising Programmes, Child Rights Forums, and Primary Health Care Services.
  • Legal Advisory Services: Providing advisory support to victim workers on demand.                                                         
  • Other Activities: Communication and Exchanging Information, Internship and Academic Collaboration, Library Service, etc.

Strength of BILS:

Out of total 32 registered national trade union centers, major 12 are affiliated with BILS.  BILS has active representation in various worker related Government policy intervention committee. As a whole BILS has a great access to the working class through its affiliated national trade union centers and basic unions. BILS has a Pool of Trainers with own worker specific Training Manuals/Handouts/Resource Documents, modern Seminar Room, Training Centre,  Research Team and Legal Advisor.

International Network

  • International Industrial Relations Institute
  • International Federation of Workers Education Association
  • Global Network
  • Global Union Research Network
  • NGO Platform on Ship Breaking
  • International Labour Organisation (ILO)
  • Clean Cloth Campaign
  • ITUC
  • Global Labour University (GLU)

 National Network

  • Sramik Nirapotta Forum (SNF)
  • Domestic Workers Rights Network (DWRN)
  • Shipbreaking Workers trade Union Forum (SBWTF)
  • Gender Platform Bangladesh

Organisation Structure:

BILS Achievement:

  • Forming and raising Common Minimum Demand for Women Workers aimed at ensuring Gender Equity at workplace
  • Closely working with Government in policy intervention
  • TCC at RMG sector has been formed, where BILS has given its effort in research findings and advocacy  on it
  • BILS worked with the Govt. for initiating Construction Workers Insurance Policy
  • ID Card Pilot Project started for Construction Workers
  • Involve in policy formulation and drafting
    • Labour Policy 2012
    • Labour Act-2006
    • OHS Policy 2013
  • Govt. voted for ILO Convention-189
  • Submitted code of conduct for Domestic Workers, which was adopted by the Govt. as Domestic Workers Welfare and Protection Policy-2015
  • Ship breaking draft policy by the govt.
  • Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) included BILS Training Manual for Transport Workers on HIV/AIDS as their Regular Curriculum
  • Minimum Wage Structure for RMG Workers
  • OSH service and rehabilitation
  • Support to Rana Plaza victims

Future Plan:

  • Advocacy on Implementation of new Labour Law;
  • Workers’ rights in Construction, Metal ( Ship breaking & Ship Building);
  • Elimination of Child Labour and Advocacy on ensuring Adolescent Workers Rights;
  • Advocacy for Living Wage and Social Safety Net for Workers;
  • Advocacy on Common Minimum Demand for Working Women;
  • Occupational Health, Safety and Environment;
  • Legal Support for occupational victim workers;
  • Migrant workers rights.
  • Cooperate Government more in the policy intervention in ensuring social protection for workers. 


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